Nice meeting today where we discussed the use of iPads in classrooms, and what cool things folks are doing with them.
Nearpod- can broadcast to student iPads and Smart Phones. Can send ppts, questions, freeze screen etc. Nice for when we want to push information.
Google chat and forms in Jerry's Photo class as a discussion piece. (Ask Jerry for more info)
Air-Share- Jerry had another log in on his sign in, so Josh W is going to try to do some wireless sharing from his iPad to his Mac (docs, camera, etc) Will update us next time.
There are currently 16 modules in the Learning Tech Plan CLASSES web site. Classes include iPad Basics, Flipped Classroom, iPad as Planner etc. There are even Face to Face classes that mirror the is the link to the iPad Basics (March 19&20) in SVVSD PD.
Here is a link to a nice article about the classes from Zac Chase. You can take 4 online courses (about 2 hrs each) for .5 credit
For more information about the Learning Tech Plan Visit their web site!
Did I forget anything? :)