Winner of the 2017 March #LiteraryMM Madness for Silver Creek High School.
What a great contest
There were cheers, there were tears, and some amazing upsets.
Thank you all for participating in this year's contest.
Probably none were affected as deeply as own Mr Lathrop who replied with this:
I vote for The Book Thief, for no other reason than to see Gatsby shot in his swimming pool, so to speak.
The loss by Mockingbird is a bitter pill that I will not swallow. Once again, the voting public has profaned its sacred right by voting for a grossly inferior candidate.
To quote Ray Zalinsky from the classic movie comedy Tommy Boy, "What the American public doesn't know, is what makes them the American public."
Wake up, America! Wake up. Forget the ghost of Tom Joad; the ghost of Atticus Finch cries out for justice!
~Jason Lathrop
~Jason Lathrop
Final Bracket