Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wise something - from Dan Kloster

Shannon and I learned how to move icons and create folders

Felicity added the IC Web page as icon to her home page using "add to home screen"

Jerry, Dan and I used "air drop" to share photos, files and notes

Jean Gurlue won the bluetooth wireless mouse- which turned out to be a lame prize. We can't get it to work.

Jamie V used her camera to do cool things!

Erick F and I were trying to manage our storage space and can't quite find the right answer we want to see- more free store when we have multiple machines on the same account! :)

More next time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fun with iPads

Here are some great apps and techniques we discussed at Tech Tuesday today...give them a try!

Note sharing/task sharing app:
Google Keep (android, chrome app or in browser)
*With either account- sign in with your google account it information is shared across devices

Split keyboard to text easier

Activate camera and take photos from your lock screen (Jerry T says kids fill up his memory with this)

From the lock screen, slide up to activate iPad control center
to access AIR SHARE, lock screen, camera, timer, do not disturb, etc.

Set up do not disturb to you will not receive notifications/pop ups
Settings>Do Not Disturb>Scheduled     then set times to allow pop ups etc

St Vrain Digital Library
Install Overdrive app from absolute apps. Create an overdrive account, search libraries for
St. Vrain Valley School District, select Silver Creek Library
Once installed, click on St. Vrain Valley School District and log in with your citrix password

PS- if you need collaboration hours, make sure to write down time spent today!

Just for fun: